Invitation for Elected and Committee Roles of EAG

Elmhurst Artist’s Guild would like to invite any interested Member of EAG to join a very dynamic Board in the governing of this organization. The following positions are open for nominations. The election will take place in May of 2023. If interested in this opportunity please email Alan Johnson at or call 847-347-9742. We will send you a form for data that will be necessary including such items as: reason for wanting to run and contact information.

For more information on the Elected Position description of work please visit the web page.

Elected Positions:

  • President

  • 1st Vice President/Programs Chair

  • 2nd Vice President/Membership Chair

  • 3rd Vice President/Ways and Means Chair

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Museum Delegate

Committee Leads:

  • Website Content Director – organize, manage, and direct activities and traffic of the website by working closely with the EAG webmaster. The goal is to excite the EAG members and the broader community about exhibits and events via the information and images that you propose.

  • Publicity Lead – maintain EAG social media on Facebook by regularly posting upcoming member shows, speakers, call to art. Also post other Guilds with things of interested to our members. Write copy for local newsprint as well as online. Publications include The Independent, Daily Herald, Arts DuPage, Lemont Guild newsletter, flyer for Elmhurst Library, Elmhurst Front Porch quarterly and Elmhurst Patch. Attend Explore Elmhurst monthly via zoom. Send all EAG info to the Elmhurst Art Museum for their website.


  • Member meetings- Helping with EAG member meetings where assistance in providing materials or making a presentation on art methodologies, history or business aspects of art, web site creation, or marketing.

  • Show hanging- Helping with the hanging of art for our shows.