EAG Member Handbook
Updated: June 2020
Located at
Elmhurst Art Museum
150 S. Cottage Hill Avenue
Elmhurst IL 60126
(630) 279-1009
Founded in 1946 by eleven artists from the Elmhurst community, the mission of the Elmhurst Artists’ Guild continues as the charitable and not-for-profit functions of shows and exhibitions, workshops, lectures, classes and other similar activities which further the purpose of encouraging, promoting, advancing and assisting art education and instruction, and the advancement and development of the arts.
Membership in the guild is not limited to residents of Elmhurst, but is open to any artist or lover of art in sympathy with and willing to work for the promotion of the objectives of the Elmhurst Artists’ Guild with full participation not to be denied to any person on account of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability.
Board of Directors
Board Officers, Committee Chairs and former presidents may be found here:
Our Home
The Elmhurst Artists Guild Gallery is located within the Elmhurst Art Museum, free to the public, and open during normal business hours of the museum. More information about visiting the museum and the guild gallery maybe found here:
As stipulated by agreement when the museum was originally constructed, the gallery resides rent free on the museum campus, and a portion of all art sales from the gallery goes towards the general operations of the museum. Guild members are encouraged to support the museum financially and otherwise to assure the continuing arrangement so beneficial to both EAG and EAM. Memberships to EAM may be purchased here: EAM Membership
Questions and further information about the museum may be directed to the respective museum staffer found here:
Member Meetings and Programs
Member Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month, September through May, at the Elmhurst Art Museum, 150 Cottage Hill, Elmhurst, IL 60126. Free for all members in good standing and invited guests, meetings start with a period of socializing with fellow members followed by a program. The topic and nature will be announced in the current Member Newsletter and the Programsand may consist of a presentation followed by a demonstration.
Meeting Agenda
Social time: 7:00pm - 7:30pm
Programming: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
More information may be found here: https://www.elmhurstartistsguild.org/calendar
Questions about programming may be directed to the Programs Chair, programs@elmhurstartistsguild.org.
Gallery Exhibitions
Gallery exhibits consist of four members' shows; solo or group shows featuring a single or group of members; and invitational shows for important Midwest artists or groups of artists. All shows are announced on the guild website, in the member newsletter, and in various social media and news outlets.
Member Shows
The four member shows are scheduled loosely each calendar quarter during the respective seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Each member in good standing is entitled to submit one piece of artwork for display in the Guild Gallery. All work must be original, made within the last three years by the artist, and has never been shown in prior EAG member shows. Additional terms and conditions are detailed in the exhibition entry form and contract, which is published in the Member Newsletter one month before the show.
Awards are given by an independent impartial juror selected by the Board of Directors:
Best of Show: $125
First Place: $100
Second Place: $75
Third Place: $50
Up to five Honorable Mentions
Memorial Award: Various (Given on occasion in honor of loved ones with various monetary amounts.)
Member Directory
Twice a year, a digital copy of the Member Directory, will be sent via email to all members in good standing. The Directory will include the name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address of each member gathered at the time of joining or renewing their membership. Each member may opt-out of disclosing some or all of their contact information in the directory.
The use of the Member Directory is for the member’s personal use. Members may not use the information contained in the directory to conduct any solicitation of sales of merchandise or services or to otherwise promote their business or that of other third-parties.
Any questions or to request a hard-copy of this directory may be sent to the attention of the Membership Chair at membership@elmhurstartistsguild.org or in writing by postal mail.
Life Members
K.C. Barnes
Angelo Campagnolo, Jr.
Diana Cardosi
Cecilia Chaves
Karen Exiner
Sarah Jo Hermanson
Jeanne Mueller
Bruce Peterson
Lorraine Ptacek
Louise Steinbach
Alice Tangalos
John Trapp
Gary Wick
Honorary Members
Dorothy Finch
Winifred Gutman
Robert Kameczura
Annette Perone Leiber
Janet Rowe
Sustaining Members
A sustaining member is any person, group, organization, business, or corporation that wishes to actively support the guild.
Other Arts Organizations
Addison Center for the Arts - addisoncenterforthearts.com
Alliance of Fine Art (AFA), DuPage County - allianceoffineart.org
Aurora Art League - auroraartleague.org
Des Plaines Art Guild - dpag.org
Downers Grove Artists' Guild - downersgroveartistsguild.com
DuPage Art League - dupageartleague.org
Illinois Watercolor Society - illinoiswatercolorsociety.org
LaGrange Art League - lagrangeartleague.org
Lemont Artists' Guild - lemontartistsguild.org
Lombard Artists Coalition - lombardartscoalition.com
Midwest Collage Society - midwestcollagesociety.blogspot.com
Naperville Art League - napervilleartleague.com
Oak Park Art League - oakparkartleague.org
Plainfield Art League - plainfieldartleague.org
Park Ridge Art League (Merged with Des Plaines Art Guild)
Riverside Art Center - riversideartscenter.com
Yellow House Artists - yellowhouseartists.com